Join Us for “Open Mike Night: Two Mikes on Cleaning”December 12, 2024, at 11:30 AM EST Alconox’s Mike Moussourakis and Hubbard-Hall’s Mike Valenti bring you a practical, interactive session on tackling cleaning challenges across various industries, including: Brought to you…
Q: Is there any damage that could be caused to our parts if they were washed in the Liquinox Solution after being expired for 5 days? Would reprocessing the products in Non Expired Solution be a safe resolution? A: As discussed here, Using Expired Detergent, the cleaning in expired Liquinox detergent….
Q: How would you clean fatty acids and cationic residues off of polycarbonate? We would like to avoid a harsh solvent and are considering an aqueous solution. A: This is an interesting combination of residues/substrates. As the battery industry continues to…
Q. What is a nonionic detergent? How can a nonionic detergent like Alcojet have ionic sodium salts in it? What does it mean when a mil spec requires the use of a nonionic detergent? A. Surfactants are surface acti
Q: We have started to qualify Alconox Precision Cleaner for our clean line to clean parts for ultra high vacuum applications. Worked great on the stainless parts. But, when we tested an old molybdenum platen with a bead blasted metallic surface, it went black. Do you have a recommendation?
A: While metallic molybdenum is not generally reactive to water or alkaline solutions for the most part, it may be reacting with the phosphates in the Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner.
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